COVID-19 STATEMENT: Our commitment to you

Hummingbird is a wholly owned subsidiary but independent brand of Servomex.

During the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Servomex is fully committed to maintaining the highest level of business support and availability to customers, while ensuring the health and safety of our team and partners.

Servomex understands the many challenges faced by our customers in delivering their product and service in the current circumstances. Many are involved in industries critically important to responding to the pandemic, including pharmaceutical research, air separation to produce medical grade oxygen, and ventilator manufacture. Our Hummingbird oxygen sensors and gas purity analyzer solutions are essential in supporting a front-line response to the current situation.

Accordingly, Servomex assures all our customers that we will maintain a full, supportive and responsive service worldwide throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To protect the health and wellbeing of our team, partners and customers, we are following the advice of the World Health Organization, regional and national governments, and health authorities. This includes a global “work from home” policy, a restriction on visitors to our sites, and a ban on all non-essential travel.

In order to meet production demands while minimizing risk, our manufacturing teams are operating more flexibly, working in two groups at each site to increase separation. Virus hygiene prevention has been introduced at all sites, including enhanced cleaning processes.

We will continue to monitor this fast-evolving situation and follow government advice wherever we operate.

Wherever you are and whatever your needs, Servomex will continue to support you as your partner in gas analysis, in whatever capacity we can.

COVID-19 Site Risk Assessment document (PDF, 270 KB)

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